Philosopy and Pricing

our philosophy and Pricing

We've been in Bend/Sisters a long time, we've watched as it's grown up around us, and we love live music and events. It used to be easy to know what was going on (live music, plays, comedy, festivals, etc.) - you'd just ask a few friends. But times have changed. At Central Oregon Live Music we're committed to cataloging Central Oregon Events and Nightlife in one, easy to find, location that doesn't require you (the establishment or venue operator) to do the legwork. We will keep it current, maintaining a space where everyone (locals and out-of-towners alike) will be able to see at a glance what's happening in our marvelous region and make choices of which establishments to patronize.

Our pricing is simple. We will display any live event on our calendar for free (again, this only works if all the information on what's going on is contained in one place - not scattered as it is now).

If this works for you, we offer three additional packages below that will generate more exposure for you and your entertainers, and drive business to your location.


We will post any event listing that you submit, and likely hound you if we don't have from you. This list has to be including for out philosophy to work.


Everything in the Free Package plus Hot Links in the Event Calendar to

  • Your Venue

  • Google Maps


Everything in the $10 package plus Hot Links in the Event Calendar to

  • Your artists/entertainers

  • Your posters/playbills


Everything in the $40 package plus Hot Links in the Event Calendar to

  • Your Social Media Account

  • Display adds on Central Oregon Live Music